Thomas Maclachlan Stewart (1859-1933)
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My aunt (my father's sister), has some recollections of TMS, her grandfather Stewart. She was about 7 when he died. The following is not her exact words, but an adaptation of what she said:

"I do not have very strong memories of my grandfather Stewart. I remember knowing him as "Hapa". He seemed a solemn man, tall and with a square shaped face. The family (TMS and his wife Helena Mary Lang, plus family) always went to Lochranza on holidays, and he is buried there."

The following information was provided by my father. The following is not his exact words, but an adaptation of what he said:

"I do not have any real memories of my grandfather Stewart. However, I do know that he was a lay-reader at St. Mary's Cathedral in Glasgow. By a strange coincidence, he took at a service at St Cuthbert's Church, Cambuslang, about 1905, shortly after the church was built, a church at which I was rector from 1962-1975. I discovered that he had taken a service there when I looked in the records. He was well-known to my father while he was at St.Mary's in Glasgow, and his (TMS's) wife Helena Mary Lang was also a pillar of the church there. Their daughter Isabel Frances Moncrieff Stewart married my father through this connection."

My cousin Malcolm Beattie made the following notes concerning TMS:

"As over-age for military service he became Special Constable 1914 - 19 and received the King's medal.

"He became the Diocesan Registrar at St. Mary's Cathedral, Glasgow from 1913 until he died in 1933.

"He was always very kind and helpful to me when I was a boy.

He was very academic, and was also a Latin Scholar, while studying Law at Glasgow University."

Thomas Maclachlan Stewart   pictures ... >






Stewart Maclachlan Macrae Chart
Isabel Frances Moncrieff Stewart
Thomas Maclachlan Stewart
Robert Buchanan Stewart
Robertson Buchanan Stewart

Doctor Thomas Maclachlan
Captain Thomas Maclachlan
Stewarts of Appin or Bute

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