Chart for the Stewart, Maclachlan, MacRae Ancestors of Thomas Maclachlan Stewart (1859 - 1933)

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The following chart starts (from the right column working left) with the parents of Thomas Maclachlan Stewart (Robert Buchanan Stewart and Isabella Kennedy Maclachlan). N.B. Robert Buchanan Stewart's parents (Robertson Buchanan Stewart and Martha Stewart) were cousins, both descended from Robert Stewart (1701 - ? ) and Janet McConachy (1710 - ? ).


Here is a list of the surnames that appear on this chart. Some appear with numerous variants, especially McKechany; these are shown on the chart where the variants appear in the records for an individual. Often the name will be spelt differently on birth and marriage certificates, and on the certificates for the individual's children. Standardisation of surname spelling is relatively recent.

N.B. The following list is of my ancestral surnames in this chart. There are many other surnames on this chart, but this index covers only those who are direct ancestors of mine. You can also use the Search facility in order to find other names. Please bear in mind the many possible spellings of any given name.

Buchanan*, Fellowes*, Kennedy, Lamont, Linton*, McConechy, McKechany, Maclachlan, Macrae, Meldrum, Moncrieff*, Muir - 1, Muir - 2, Robertson, Stewart.

* These names appear as forenames only but almost certainly are ancestral. Those shown in small italicised font are possible matches, based usually on IGI / LDS records. Much of the original data came from my great aunt Mrs Walker and my great uncle Rob Stewart, and more recently from my cousin Malcolm Beattie. I have subsequently tried to fill in the gaps via IGI / LDS records plus a few searches in the Scottish Registers.

There is an alternative possible ancestry for Robertson Buchanan Stewart and his wife and cousin Martha Stewart regarding their fathers (Robert and John respectively) who were brothers. However, I don't think the details are correct for reasons I discuss on that page.

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LEGEND:    b: born;   c: christened;   m: married;   d: died   ---   In bold font: direct ancestors   ---   In normal font: siblings of direct ancestors and their marriages   ---   In smaller font (bold if direct ancestors): alternative surname spellings   ---   In very small font: second or other marriage; m1 for first and m2 for second marriage   ---   In small italics: uncertainty (bold if direct ancestors)
Great Great Grandparents of Thomas Maclachlan Stewart and their brothers and sisters

Great Grandparents of Thomas Maclachlan Stewart and their brothers and sisters

Grandparents of Thomas Maclachlan Stewart and their brothers and sisters Parents of Thomas Maclachlan Stewart and their brothers and sisters
Alexander Robertson
Excise Officer
b about 1740 Rothesay
James Robertson
b 1766
  William Robertson
b Dec 1770
  Lachlan Robertson
b 1774
  Helen Robertson
b Aug 1776
m (Banns) 15 Jun 1765 Rothesay Amelia Robertson
b 03 Mar 1768 Rothesay
c 04 Mar 1768 Rothesay
Amily / Amelia / Emelia Lamont
b about 1744 Rothesay

< Lamonts futher back
  Andrew Stewart
b 14 Nov 1789 Rothesay
c 15 Nov 1789 Rothesay
m Frances (Fanny) Thomas, Ontario, Canada
d 24 May 1822 Ontario
  m cannot trace date or place Robertson Buchanan Stewart
b 25 Apr 1793 Rothesay
c 28 Apr 1793 Rothesay
d 08 Nov 1871 Blythswood, Glasgow
Robert Stewart
b 26 Jan 1701 Balheknock
c 04 Feb Rothesay

< Stewarts further back
    (Half siblings: Ninian Bannatyne Stewart, Robertson Buchanan Stewart, Alexander Bannatyne Stewart; by Helen Bannatyne)
      Isobel Stewart
b 1820 Glasgow
d young
      Amelia Frances Stewart
b 1821 Glasgow
d young
      Isabel Stewart
b 1823 Glasgow
d young
      Catherine Stewart
b 1823 Glasgow
d young
      Margaret Linton Stewart
b 1825 Glasgow
d young
  Robert Stewart
b 9 Sep 1746 Slaid of Ballicurry, Rothesay
  Martha Stewart
b 1827 Glasgow
d young
  John Stewart
b 1733 Rothesay area
  Frances Stewart
b before 1831 Glasgow
d young
  Bryce Stewart
b 1735 Rothesay area
  E. Stewart
b before 1831 Glasgow
d young
m 15 or 18 Mar 1731
Kingarth Pouch, Rothesay
James Stewart
b 1737 Rothesay area
m 19 Feb 1819 Glasgow
m2 Helen Bannatyne, 22 Nov 1832, Barony, Lanarkshire
Robert Buchanan Stewart
b 4 Aug 1829, Glasgow
d 26 Feb 1900
  Mary Stewart
b 1740 Rothesay area
  Archibald Stewart
b 1747 Rothesay area
  Janet Stewart
b 1755 Rothesay area
  John Stewart
b 19 Sep 1750 Rothesay
Janet McConechy
b 18 Jan 1710, Balheknock, Rothesay
< McConechys further back
  m 13 Jul 1786 Rothesay Martha Stewart
b 18 Nov 1800 Rothesay
d 12 Sep 1831
    Janet Stewart
b Sep 1787 Rothesay
    Isobel Stewart
b Nov 1789 Rothesay
    Mary Stewart
b Jan 1792 Rothesay
Bryce McConechy
b 1738 Rothesay
d before 1786/7
  Catharine Stewart
b Dec 1793 Rothesay
    Margaret Stewart
b Dec 1795 Rothesay
    James Stewart
b Dec 1797 Rothesay
    John Stewart
b May 1804 Rothesay
    Robert Stewart
b Jul 1806 Rothesay
m 11 Feb 1763 Rothesay Catharine / Katherine McConachy
b 18 Dec 1766 Rothesay
Janet Muir
b 1742 East Kawes, Rothesay
< Muirs further back
      m 07 Jun 1855 Rothesay
  (Capt.) Thomas Maclachlan
(Maclauchlen MacLoughlin)
b probably Ireland
d before 18 Jun 1827
  m Oct 1789 Ayr (Dr.) Thomas Maclachlan
(Maclachlane McLaughlan)
b Jun 1794 ? St Quivox, Ayr; moved to Rothesay around 1818
d 27 Jun 1871, Rothesay
  Isabella / Isobell Kennedy
b probably circa 1770 Ayr
alive in 1841
    m 18 Jun 1827 Rothesay Isabella Kennedy Maclachlan
b 6 Feb 1836 Rothesay
c 20 Feb or Mar 1836
d 8 Dec 1910
      Thomas James Maclachlan
b 21 April 1828 Rothesay
m Eleanor Frances McKenzie 1869
d 8 Feb 1881 Ramsgate
      William M Maclachlan
b circa 1830 Rothesay
      Susannah F Maclachlan
b circa 1832 Rothesay
      Charles Fellowes Maclachlan
b circa 1834 Rothesay
d 28 Feb 1871 Rothesay
      (Rev) Ivie MacRae Maclachlan
c 22 Apr 1838 Rothesay
m 1863 Jean Guise McCulloch
d 1891 Bothwell
      Jane Maclachlan
b circa 1839 Rothesay
      Moncrieff Thomas Maclachlan
c 17 May 1840 Rothesay
d 1855
      Hugh Kennedy Maclachlan
c 1 May 1842 Rothesay
m Kate Watters 10 Apr 1868 Glasgow
d 15 Jun 1907
      Susanna Jane Maclachlan
c 22 Sep 1844 Rothesay
m McIndoe
      James Maclachlan
c 28 Nov 1846 Rothesay
m Barbara Gibson Johnstone, Falkirk 1885
d 18 Dec 1928 Lockerbie
  William MacRae
  m date unknown
m2 Barbara Campbell 18 Apr 1809 Rothesay
Jennet / Jessie Macrae
b 31 Jul 1801
c 31 Jul 1801 Rothesay
d 5 Jul 1878 Rothesay
    Charles Mcrae
b 28 Nov 1792
    Mary Macrae
b 5 Sep 1794
    James Mcrae
b 17 May 1796
William McKechany or
Alexander McKechan
  Susanna Mcrae
b 9 Feb 1798
    John Mcrae
b 6 Feb 1800
    Margaret Mcrae
b 21 Feb 1804
d 25 Jun 1863 Rothesay
    half siblings: Ivie Hare Macrae (1810), Andrew Campbell Macrae (1812), Sarah Macrae (1813)  
m 16 Jan 1756 Rothesay if first possibility Susan(na) McKechany
(McKechan McKechney McKechaney McKeachan McKechnie)
b 31 Jul 1765 Port Glasgow or
b 17 Jul 1768 Port Glasgow

d prob before 18 Apr 1809
Susanna Muir or
Christian Meldrum




Stewart Maclachlan Macrae Chart
Isabel Frances Moncrieff Stewart
Thomas Maclachlan Stewart
Robert Buchanan Stewart
Robertson Buchanan Stewart

Doctor Thomas Maclachlan
Captain Thomas Maclachlan
Stewarts of Appin or Bute

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